JQuery - I will consider using it in my future web project
I find the problems with cross-browser issues with Javascript to be bothering at times. Also, I am most annoyed with Javascript because, with Javascript, I need to think about another programming language along with my server side programming. I have a feeling that Javascript codes make the web application harder to test using various automated test frameworks and adds complexities as there are different browsers who interpret the Javascript code in different ways.
Ninject - Dependency Injection Framework for .Net Objects
I loved Ninject because
- I don't love to write/edit XML documents myself.
- I think Ninject can save a lot of coding and debugging time.
- This is a cool framework :-) with a fun-to-read documentation.
- It uses simple conventions and Attributes for resolving most dependencies behind the scene.
- You can take full advantage to lambda expressions for writing compact codes.
Today, I took a look into this Ninject framework.
[ThreadStatic] - A cool Attribute to Thread Safe static members
Usually static variables holds the same value for all the threads running at the same AppDommain. However, in a multithreaded scenario, you may need to add thread safe behavior to your static members so that the value of a static member is same inside only a single thread and across multiple threads the value can be different. In this way you may attain a thread specific or thread scoped storage to use in your application.
Simple Article on REST using WCF
For a few days, I have been trying a lot to understand why people would be using RESTful instead of the standard SOAP based Web Services. I thought, I could better understand by building one little RESTfully architected application myself.
After a few google searches, I found that WCF has some attribute based programming support for implementing a RESTful architecture. MSDN has a good document on the whole WebGet and WebInvoke attributes.
Enable IntelliSense support for Spring.Net objects xml definition
Spring.Net has integration support with VS 2005 and VS 2008 (also supports older versions). To achieve this, just perform a simple copy-paste and define an XML namespace on the objects node. This will enable you to get IntelliSense and validation support while editing the objects node of the xml configuration file.
Two steps:
Step 1: Copy the <Spring.Net Installed location>\doc\schema\spring-objects-1.1.xsd to <Visual Studio installed location>/Xml/Schemas
Step 2: Make sure your objects node looks like this <objects xmlns="
INVEST - Characteristics of Effective User Stories
In Agile Software Development, for example SCRUM and XP, User Story is a tool to capture the requirements from the clients. The term User Story takes a very free form. Sometimes, we feel that there needs to be a boundary so that a user story is an effective one and not misused. I have a feeling that INVEST defines the border line on this regard.
The INVEST principle is a very good guideline for defining user stories in an agile environment.
My Article at CodeProject on LINQ to SQL DataContext CommandTimeout
CodeProject has published my article at 'Change The Default CommandTimeout of LINQ DataContext' I have discussed the topic covered in this article on a previous blog post at this link.
Please read the article and provide me with your feedback.
Read My Article at CodeProject on LINQ to Log4Net Logging
Today CodeProject has published an article of mine where I have shown a way to use Log4Net logging to capture your LINQ to SQL class generated log messages. I suggest you all to take a look and comment at
Try the CopySourceAsHTML VS Addin to blog .Net Codes
I have just found a great add-in for blogging my codes preserving the styles exactly the same as that I see in VS 2008. I am surely going to use it in future posts.
Follow the steps here -
Page_ClientValidate - Use this Method from Javascript for ASP.Net Client Side Validation
In a typical ASP.Net web form, we have a few controls and also validators associated with the controls. The most common validators are used for Required Field validation, Type validation, Regular Expression validation and so on.
When we want to logically group the validators in a web form, we apply the same value for ValidationGroup property on the controls of a group and in this way, we create a logical division among our controls and the validation.